§ 114‑2.4. Attorney General to render opinion on settlement agreements.
(a) The Attorney General shall review the terms of all proposedagreements entered into by the State or a State department, agency,institution, or officer to settle or resolve litigation or potentiallitigation, that involves the payment of public monies in the sum of seventy‑fivethousand dollars ($75,000) or more. In order for such an agreement or contractto be effective against the State, the Attorney General shall submit to the Stateor the State department, agency, institution, or officer a written opinionregarding the terms of the proposed agreement and the advisability of enteringinto the agreement, prior to entering into the agreement. The written opinionrequired by this section shall be maintained in the official file of the finalsettlement agreement. The Attorney General by rule may delegate to a deputy orassistant Attorney General or to another subordinate the authority to approvesettlement agreements.
(b) The Attorney General shall report to the Joint LegislativeCommission on Governmental Operations on all agreements entered into by theState or a State department, agency, institution, or officer to settle orresolve litigation or potential litigation, that involves the payment of publicmonies in the sum of seventy‑five thousand dollars ($75,000) or more. (1997‑443, s. 20.14(a).)