§ 114‑2.6. Attorney General to report onpending lawsuits in which State is a party.
By April 1 and October 1 of each year, the Attorney General shallsubmit a report to the Chairs of the Joint Legislative Commission onGovernmental Operations, the Chairs of the Appropriations Committees of theSenate and House of Representatives, the Chairs of the Finance Committees ofthe Senate and House of Representatives, and the Fiscal Research Division ofthe Legislative Services Office on any lawsuit in which the constitutionalityof a North Carolina law has been challenged and on any case in which plaintiffsseek in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000) in damages. In addition, theAttorney General shall submit a written report to the Joint Legislative Commissionon Governmental Operations, the Chairs of the Appropriations Committees of theSenate and House of Representatives, the Chairs of the Finance Committees ofthe Senate and House of Representatives, and the Fiscal Research Division ofthe Legislative Services Office within 30 days of a final judgment that ordersthe State to pay the sum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more. (2001‑424, s. 23.11(a).)