§ 114‑51. Membership;terms; quorum.
(a) The Council shallconsist of 18 members appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor.The Governor shall designate a chair from among the members of the Council.Membership shall be as follows:
(1) Ten members fromgovernment agencies with responsibility for programs and services related tofinancial education, financial services, and related economic stabilityefforts. At least one representative shall come from each of the followinggovernment agencies:
a. Community CollegeSystem.
b. Department ofCommerce.
c. Department ofJustice.
d. Department of Labor.
e. Department of PublicInstruction.
f. Department of theSecretary of State.
g. Department of StateTreasurer.
h. Office of theCommissioner of Banks.
i. The University ofNorth Carolina.
(2) Two public memberswith experience in the financial services industry.
(3) Two public memberswho represent employers with experience in providing financial education totheir employees.
(4) Four public members withexperience in consumer advocacy or nonprofit financial education.
(b) Members of theCouncil shall be appointed for terms of three years and shall serve until theirsuccessors are appointed and qualified.
(c) A majority of theCouncil's members shall constitute a quorum. (2009‑265, s. 1.)