Article 2.
Division of LegislativeDrafting and Codification of Statutes.
§ 114‑9. Creation of Division; powers andduties.
The Attorney General shall set up in the Department of Justice adivision to be designated as the Division of Legislative Drafting andCodification of Statutes. There shall be assigned to this Division by theAttorney General duties as follows:
(1) To prepare bills to be presented to the General Assembly atthe request of the Governor, and the officials of the State and departments thereof,and members of the General Assembly, and to advise with said officials inconnection therewith, and to advise with and assist counties, cities, and townsin the drafting of legislation to be submitted to the General Assembly.
(2) To supervise the recodification of all the statute law ofNorth Carolina and supervise the keeping of such recodifications current byincluding therein all laws hereafter enacted by supplements thereto issuedperiodically, all of which recodifications and supplements shall beappropriately annotated.
(3) In order that the laws of North Carolina, as set out in theGeneral Statutes of North Carolina, may be made and kept as simple, as clear,as concise and as complete as possible, and in order that the amount ofconstruction and interpretation of the statutes required of the courts may bereduced to a minimum, it shall also be the duty of the Division of LegislativeDrafting and Codification of Statutes to establish and maintain a system ofcontinuous statute research and correction. To that end the Division shall:
a. Make a systematic study of the general statutes of theState, as set out in the General Statutes and as hereafter enacted by theGeneral Assembly, for the purpose of ascertaining what ambiguities, conflicts,duplications and other imperfections of form and expression exist therein andhow these defects may be corrected.
b. Consider such suggestions as may be submitted to theDivision with respect to the existence of such defects and the propercorrection thereof.
c. Prepare for submission to the General Assembly from time totime bills to correct such defects in the statutes as its research discloses. (1939, c. 315, s. 5; 1941, c. 35; 1943, c. 382.)