§ 115C‑102.6C. Approvalof local school system technology plans.
(a) Each local board ofeducation shall develop a local school system technology plan that is alignedwith and meets the requirements of the State school technology plan. Indeveloping a local school system technology plan, a local board of education isencouraged to incorporate this plan into its strategic planning and to bringtogether stakeholders from various areas of the local school administrativeunit, including curriculum leaders, teachers, administrators, representativesfrom technology services and instructional technology, and finance, as well asother departments of the unit as required. In addition, the local board isencouraged to coordinate its planning with other agencies of State and localgovernment, including other local school administrative units.
The Department of PublicInstruction shall assist the local boards of education in developing theinstructional and technological aspects of the plan.
Each local board of educationshall submit the local plan it develops to the Department of Public Instructionfor evaluation of the parts of the technological and instructional aspects ofthe plan. The State Board of Education, after consideration of the evaluationsof the Department of Public Instruction, shall approve all local plans thatcomply with the requirements of the State school technology plan.
(b) After a localschool system technology plan is approved by the State Board of Education, allState funds spent by the local board of education for any aspect of schooltechnology shall be used to implement the local school system technology plan.
(c) State SchoolTechnology Fund dollars that are allocated to the local school administrativeunit to implement the plan shall not be expended until the plan has beenapproved by the State Board of Education. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 769, s. 19.26(b); 2004‑129,s. 30; 2009‑451, s. 7.31.)