§ 115C‑105.30. Distribution of staff development funds.
Any funds the local board of education makes available to an individualschool building to implement the school improvement plan at that school shallbe used in accordance with that plan.
Each local board shall distribute seventy‑five percent (75%) ofthe funds in the staff development funding allotment to the schools to be usedin accordance with that school's school improvement plan. By October 1 of eachyear, the principal shall disclose to all affected personnel the totalallocation of all funds available to the school for staff development and thesuperintendent shall disclose to all affected personnel the total allocation ofall funds available at the system level for staff development. At the end ofthe fiscal year, the principal shall make available to all affected personnel areport of all disbursements from the building‑level staff developmentfunds, and the superintendent shall make available to all affected personnel areport of all disbursements at the system level of staff development funds. (1993, c. 321, s. 144.2(c); 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996),c. 716, ss. 2, 3.)