§ 115C‑105.31. Creation of the Task Force on School‑Based Management.
(a) There is created the Task Force on School‑BasedManagement under the State Board of Education.
The Task Force shall be composed of 21 members appointed as follows:
(1) The Superintendent of Public Instruction;
(2) One member of the State Board of Education, one parent of apublic school child, and two at‑large members appointed by the StateBoard of Education;
(3) Two members of the Senate appointed by the President ProTempore of the Senate;
(4) Two members of the House of Representatives appointed by theSpeaker of the House of Representatives;
(5) One member of a local board of education appointed by thePresident Pro Tempore of the Senate after receiving recommendations from The NorthCarolina State School Boards Association, Inc.;
(6) One member of a local board of education appointed by theSpeaker of the House of Representatives after receiving recommendations fromThe North Carolina State School Boards Association, Inc.;
(7) One local school superintendent appointed by the PresidentPro Tempore of the Senate after receiving recommendations from the NorthCarolina Association of School Administrators;
(8) One local school superintendent appointed by the Speaker ofthe House of Representatives after receiving recommendations from the NorthCarolina Association of School Administrators;
(9) One school principal appointed by the President Pro Temporeof the Senate after receiving recommendations from the Tar Heel Association ofPrincipals/Assistant Principals and the Division of Administrators of the NorthCarolina Association of Educators;
(10) One school principal appointed by the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives after receiving recommendations from the Tar Heel Association ofPrincipals/Assistant Principals and the Division of Administrators of the NorthCarolina Association of Educators;
(11) One school teacher appointed by the President Pro Tempore ofthe Senate after receiving recommendations from the North Carolina Associationof Educators, Inc., the North Carolina Federation of Teachers, and theProfessional Educators of North Carolina, Inc.;
(12) One school teacher appointed by the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives after receiving recommendations from the North CarolinaAssociation of Educators, Inc., the North Carolina Federation of Teachers, andthe Professional Educators of North Carolina, Inc.;
(13) One representative of business and industry appointed by theGovernor;
(14) One representative of institutions of higher educationappointed by the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina;
(15) One county commissioner appointed by the State Board ofEducation after receiving recommendations from the North Carolina Associationof County Commissioners; and
(16) The Secretary of Health and Human Services or the Secretary'sdesignee.
Members of the Task Force shall serve for two‑year terms.
All members of the Task Force shall be voting members. Vacancies in theappointed membership shall be filled by the officer who made the initialappointment. The Task Force on School‑Based Management shall select amember of the Task Force to serve as chair of the Task Force.
Members of the Task Force shall receive travel and subsistence expensesin accordance with the provisions of G.S. 120‑3.1, G.S. 138‑5, andG.S. 138‑6.
(b) The Task Force shall:
(1) Advise the State Board of Education and Secretary of Healthand Human Services on the development of guidelines for local boards ofeducation and schools to implement school‑based management as part of theSchool‑Based Management and Accountability Program;
(2) Advise the State Board of Education and the Secretary ofHealth and Human Services on how to assist the public schools and residentialschools so as to facilitate the implementation of school‑basedmanagement;
(3) Advise the State Board of Education and Secretary of Healthand Human Services about publications to be produced by the Department ofPublic Instruction on the development and implementation of school improvementplans;
(4) Report annually to the State Board of Education on theimplementation of school‑based management in the public schools on thefirst Friday in December. This report may contain a summary of recommendationsfor changes to any law, rule, and policy that would improve school‑basedmanagement.
(c) The Department of Public Instruction shall, with theapproval of the State Board of Education, provide staff to the Task Force atthe request of the Task Force.
(d) The State Board of Education shall appoint a Director of theTask Force on School‑Based Management. (1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 900, s. 76(a); 1993, c. 321, s. 144.2(d);1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 677, s. 7; 1995, c. 324, s. 17.8(a); 1995 (Reg.Sess., 1996), c. 716, ss. 2, 3; 1998‑131, s. 9.)