§ 115C‑105.36. Performance recognition.
(a) The personnel in schools that achieve a level of expectedgrowth greater than one hundred percent (100%) at a level to be determined bythe State Board of Education are eligible for financial awards in amounts setby the State Board. Schools and personnel shall not be required to apply forthese awards. For the purpose of this section, "personnel" includesthe principal, assistant principal, instructional personnel, instructionalsupport personnel, and teacher assistants (i) serving students in one or moreof the grades kindergarten through 12 or (ii) assigned to a public schoolprekindergarten program that is located within a public elementary school andis designed to prepare students for kindergarten at that school.
(b) The State Board shall establish a procedure to allocate thefunds for these awards to the local school administrative units in which theeligible schools are located. Funds shall become available for expenditure July1 of each fiscal year. Funds shall remain available until November 30 of thesubsequent fiscal year for expenditure for awards to the personnel. Each localschool administrative unit is encouraged to make these awards to each eligibleperson no later than the first regular teacher payroll following the localunit's receipt of the funds, and shall make these awards to each eligibleperson no later than the second regular teacher payroll following the localunit's receipt of the funds. (1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 716, s. 3; 1997‑443, s. 8.14; 1998‑220,s. 2.)