§ 115C‑105.46. State Board of Education responsibilities.
In order to implement this Article, the State Board of Education:
(1) Shall adopt guidelines for developing local plans under G.S.115C‑105.47.
(2) Shall provide, in cooperation with the Board of Governors ofThe University of North Carolina, ongoing technical assistance to the localschool administrative units in the development, implementation, and evaluationof their local plans under G.S. 115C‑105.47.
(3) May require a local board of education to withhold thesalary of any administrator or other employee of a local school administrativeunit who delays or refuses to prepare and implement local safe school plans inaccordance with G.S. 115C‑105.47.
(4) May revoke the certificate of the superintendent, pursuantto G.S. 115C‑274(c), for failure to fulfill the superintendent's dutiesunder a local safe school plan.
(5) Shall adopt policies that define who is an at‑riskstudent. (1997‑443, s.8.29(r)(1); 1999‑397, s. 2; 2000‑140, s. 22.)