§ 115C‑105.48. Placement of students in alternative schools/alternative learning programs.
(a) Prior to referring a student to an alternative school or analternative learning program, the referring school shall:
(1) Document the procedures that were used to identify thestudent as being at risk of academic failure or as being disruptive ordisorderly.
(2) Provide the reasons for referring the student to analternative school or an alternative learning program.
(3) Provide to the alternative school or alternative learningprogram all relevant student records, including anecdotal information.
(b) When a student is placed in an alternative school or analternative learning program, the appropriate staff of the alternative schoolor alternative learning program shall meet to review the records forwarded bythe referring school and to determine what support services and interventionstrategies are recommended for the student. The parents shall be encouraged toprovide input regarding the students' needs. (1999‑397, s. 2.)