§ 115C‑111.3. Cost ofeducation of children in group homes, foster homes, etc.
(a) Notwithstanding anyother State law and without regard for the place of domicile of a parent, thecost of a free appropriate public education for a child with disabilities whois placed in or assigned to a group home or foster home, under State andfederal law, shall be borne by the local board of education in which the grouphome or foster home is located. However, the local school administrative unitin which a child is domiciled shall transfer to the local school administrativeunit in which the institution is located an amount equal to the actual localcost in excess of State and federal funding required to educate that child inthe local school administrative unit for the fiscal year after all State andfederal funding has been exhausted.
(b) The State Board ofEducation shall use State and federal funds appropriated for children withdisabilities to establish a reserve fund to reimburse local boards of educationfor the education costs of children assigned to group homes or other facilitiesas provided in subsection (a) of this section. Local school administrativeunits may submit a Special State Reserve Program application for foster home orgroup home children whose special education and related services costs exceedthe per child group home allocation.
(c) The Departmentshall review the current cost of children with disabilities served in the localschool administrative units with group homes or foster homes to determine theactual cost of services. (1981, c. 859, s. 29.7; 2002‑164, s. 2; 2003‑294,s. 1; 2006‑69, s. 2.)