§ 115C‑154. Dutiesof the State Board of Education.
In carrying out its duties, the State Board of Education shall developand implement any policies, rules, regulations, and procedures as necessary toensure vocational and technical education programs of high quality. The StateBoard of Education shall prepare a Master Plan for Vocational and TechnicalEducation. The plan, to be updated periodically, shall ensure minimally that:
(1) Articulation shall occur with institutions, agencies,councils, and other organizations having responsibilities for work forcepreparedness.
(2) Business, industrial, agricultural, and lay representatives,including parents of students enrolled in Vocational and Technical Educationcourses, organized as advisory committees have been utilized in the developmentof decisions affecting vocational and technical education programs andservices.
(3) Public hearings are conducted annually to afford the publican opportunity to express their views concerning the State Board's plan and tosuggest changes in the plan.
(4) The plan describes the State's policy for vocational andtechnical education and the system utilized for the delivery of vocational andtechnical education programs, services, and activities. The policy shallinclude priorities of curriculum, integration of vocational and academiceducation, technical preparation, and youth apprenticeships.
(5) A professionally and occupationally qualified staff isemployed and organized in a manner to assure efficient and effective Stateleadership for vocational and technical education. Provisions shall be made forsuch functions as: planning, administration, supervision, personneldevelopment, curriculum development, vocational student organization andcoordination research and evaluation, and such others as the State Board maydirect.
(6) An appropriate supply of qualified personnel is trained forprogram expansion and replacements through cooperative arrangements withinstitutions of higher education and other institutions or agencies, includingwhere necessary financial support of programs and curriculums designed for thepreparation of vocational administrators, supervisors, coordinators,instructors, and support personnel.
(7) Minimum standards shall be prescribed for personnel employedat the State and local levels.
(8) Local boards of education submit to the State Board ofEducation a local plan for vocational and technical education that has beenprepared in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Master Plan forVocational and Technical Education.
(9) Appropriate minimum standards for vocational and technicaleducation programs, services, and activities shall be established, promulgated,supervised, monitored, and maintained. These standards shall specifycharacteristics such as program objectives, competencies, course sequence,program duration, class size, supervised on‑the‑job experiences,vocational student organization, school‑to‑work transitionprograms, qualifications of instructors, and all other standards necessary toensure that all programs conducted by local school administrative units shallbe of high quality, relevant to student needs, and coordinated with employmentopportunities.
(10) A system of continuing qualitative and quantitativeevaluation of all vocational and technical education programs, services, andactivities supported under the provisions of this Part shall be established,maintained, and utilized periodically. One component of the system shall befollow‑up studies of employees and former students of vocational andtechnical education programs who have been out of school for one year, and forfive years to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction, services, andactivities. (1977, c. 490, s.2; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1983, c. 750, s. 1; 1993, c. 180, s. 3.)