§ 115C‑210.4. Duties of the Council.
It shall be the duty of the Advisory Council:
(1) To advise the State Board of Education on ways to meet moreeffectively the educational needs of Indian students;
(2) To advocate meaningful programs to reduce and eventuallyeliminate low achievement and concurrent high attrition rates among AmericanIndian students;
(3) To prepare an annual report on a fiscal year basis on thestatus of Indian education, said report to be presented to the State Board ofEducation and to the various Indian tribal organizations at the statewideIndian Unity Conference;
(4) To work closely with the Division of Indian Education in theDepartment of Public Instruction to improve coordination and communicationbetween and among programs;
(5) To advise the State Board of Education on any other aspectof Indian education when requested by the State Board to do so. (1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1084, s. 1; 1997‑456,s. 27.)