Part 2. Adult Education.
§ 115C‑231. Adult education programs; tuition;limitation of enrollment of pupils over 21.
(a) When in the judgment of the State Board of Education a program of adult education should be established as a part of the public schoolsystem and when appropriations have been made therefor, there shall beorganized and administered under the general supervision of the Superintendentof Public Instruction, a course in adult education: Provided, that local boardsof education, in their discretion, may institute and support such programs fromlocal funds upon the approval of the State Board of Education.
(b) Tuition shall be free of charge to every person of the State18 years of age, or over, who has not completed a standard high school courseof study.
(c) Unless otherwise assigned by the local board of education,all persons of the district or attendance area who have not completed theprescribed course for graduation in the high school are entitled to attend theschools in the district or attendance area in which they reside: Provided, thesuperintendent, or the principal with the approval of the superintendent, ofthe local school administrative unit may, in his discretion, prohibit theenrollment of or remove from school any pupil who has attained the age of 21years. (1955, c. 1372, art. 1, s.1; art. 19, s. 3; art. 23, s. 2; 1963, c. 448, s. 24; 1971, c. 153; c. 704, s.1; c. 1231, s. 1; 1981, c. 423, s. 1.)