§ 115C‑233. Operationof summer schools.
Each local schooladministrative unit may establish and maintain summer schools. Such summerschools as may be established shall be administered by local boards ofeducation and shall be conducted in accordance with standards developed by theState Board of Education. The standards so developed shall specify therequirements for approved curriculum, the qualifications of the personnel, thelength of the session, and the conditions under which students may be grantedcredit for courses pursued during a summer school. In determining theeligibility of students for admission to summer schools, boards of educationshall be governed by Article 9 of this Chapter, and G.S. 115C‑366(b) and115C‑367 to 115C‑370. Boards of education of local schooladministrative units may provide for summer schools from funds made availablefor that purpose by the State Board of Education, funds appropriated to thelocal school administrative unit by the tax‑levying authority, and fromany other revenues available for the purpose. (1975, c. 437, s. 11; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 2006‑69,s. 3(d).)