§ 115C‑238.51. Application process.
(a) A local board of education and at least one local board oftrustees shall jointly apply to establish a cooperative innovative high schoolprogram under this Part.
(b) The application shall contain at least the followinginformation:
(1) A description of a program that implements the purposes inG.S. 115C‑238.50.
(2) A statement of how the program relates to the EconomicVision Plan adopted for the economic development region in which the program isto be located.
(3) The facilities to be used by the program and the manner inwhich administrative services of the program are to be provided.
(4) A description of student academic and vocational achievementgoals and the method of demonstrating that students have attained the skillsand knowledge specified for those goals.
(5) A description of how the program will be operated, includingbudgeting, curriculum, transportation, and operating procedures.
(6) The process to be followed by the program to ensure parentalinvolvement.
(7) The process by which students will be selected for andadmitted to the program.
(8) A description of the funds that will be used and a proposedbudget for the program. This description shall identify how the average dailymembership (ADM) and full‑time equivalent (FTE) students are counted.
(9) The qualifications required for individuals employed in theprogram.
(10) The number of students to be served.
(11) A description of how the program's effectiveness in meetingthe purposes in G.S. 115C‑238.50 will be measured.
(c) The application shall be submitted to the State Board ofEducation and the applicable governing Boards. The Boards shall appoint a jointadvisory committee to review the applications and to recommend to the Boardsthose programs that meet the requirements of this Part and that achieve thepurposes set out in G.S. 115C‑238.50.
(d) The Boards may approve programs recommended by the jointadvisory committee or may approve other programs that were not recommended. TheBoards shall approve all applications by June 30 of each year. No applicationshall be approved unless the State Board of Education and the applicablegoverning Board find that the application meets the requirements set out inthis Part and that granting the application would achieve the purposes set outin G.S. 115C‑238.50. Priority shall be given to applications that aremost likely to further State education policies, to address the economicdevelopment needs of the economic development regions in which they arelocated, and to strengthen the educational programs offered in the local schooladministrative units in which they are located. (2003‑277, s. 2; 2005‑276, s. 7.33(a); 2005‑345, ss.6(b), 6(c).)