§ 115C‑253. Contractsfor transportation.
Any local board of educationmay, in lieu of the operation by it of public school buses, enter into acontract with any person, firm or corporation for the transportation by suchperson, firm or corporation of pupils enrolled in the public schools of suchlocal school administrative unit for the same purposes for which such localschool administrative unit is authorized by this Article to operate publicschool buses. Any vehicle used by such person, firm or corporation for thetransportation of such pupils shall be constructed and equipped as provided inrules and regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education, and thedriver of such vehicle shall possess all of the qualifications prescribed byrules and regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education. Where acontract for transportation of pupils is entered into between a local board ofeducation and any person, firm or corporation which contemplates the use of anautomobile or vehicle other than a bus for the transportation of 16 pupils orless, the automobile or vehicle shall not be required to be constructed andequipped as provided for in G.S. 115C‑240(c), but shall be constructedand equipped pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the State Boardof Education. In the event that any local board of education shall enter intosuch a contract, the board may use for such purposes any funds which it mightuse for the operation of school buses owned by the board, and the tax‑levyingauthorities of the county or of the city may provide in the county or citybudget such additional funds as may be necessary to carry out such contracts. (1955, c. 1372, art. 21, s.11; 1975, c. 382; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1987, c. 827, ss. 49, 50; 2007‑423,s. 3.)