§ 115C‑264.1. Preference to high‑calciumfoods and beverages in purchasing contracts.
(a) In addition to any requirements established by the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture under the National School Lunch Program, theSchool Breakfast Program, or other federally supported food service programs,local boards of education shall give preference in purchasing contracts to high‑calciumfoods and beverages. For purposes of this section, "high‑calciumfoods and beverages" means foods and beverages that contain a higher levelof calcium and that are equal to or lower in price than other products of thesame type or quality.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of thissection, if a local school board determines that a high‑calcium food orbeverage would interfere with the proper treatment and care of an individualreceiving services from the public school food program, the local school boardshall not be required to purchase a high‑calcium food or beverage forthat individual. A local school board that has entered into a contract with asupplier to purchase food or beverages before the effective date of thissection is not required to purchase high‑calcium foods or beverages forthe duration of that contract if purchasing those products would change theterms of the contract. (2003‑257, s. 1.)