§ 115C‑295.1. NorthCarolina Professional Teaching Standards Commission.
(a) There is createdthe North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards Commission (the"Commission"). The Commission shall be located administratively underthe State Board of Education but shall exercise its powers and dutiesindependently of the State Board of Education.
(b) The purpose of theCommission is to establish high standards for North Carolina teachers and theteaching profession.
(c) The Commissionshall consist of the following 16 members:
(1) The Governor shallappoint four teachers from a list of names, including the State Teacher of theYear, submitted by the State Board of Education; one principal; onesuperintendent; and two representatives of schools of education, one of whichis in a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina and one ofwhich is in a private college or university.
(2) The President ProTempore of the Senate shall appoint three teachers who have different areas ofexpertise or who teach at different grade levels; and one at‑largemember.
(3) The Speaker of theHouse of Representatives shall appoint three teachers who have different areasof expertise or who teach at different grade levels; and one at‑largemember.
In making appointments, theappointing authorities are encouraged to select qualified citizens who arecommitted to improving the teaching profession and student achievement and whorepresent the racial, geographic, and gender diversity of the State. Beforetheir appointment to this Commission, with the exception of the at‑largemembers, the members must have been actively engaged in the profession ofteaching, in the education of students in teacher education programs, or in thepractice of public school administration for at least three years, at least twoof which occurred in this State. The members shall serve for four‑yearstaggered terms. Terms shall begin on September 1. Vacancies in the membershipshall be filled by the original appointing authority using the same criteria asprovided in this subsection.
(d) The Commissionshall elect a chair, a vice‑chair, and a secretary‑treasurer fromamong its membership. In the absence of the chair, the vice‑chair shallpreside over the Commission's meetings. All members are voting members, and amajority of the Commission constitutes a quorum. The Commission shall adoptrules to govern its proceedings.
(e) Meetings of theCommission shall be held upon the call of the chair or the vice‑chairwith the approval of the chair.
(f) Members of theCommission shall receive compensation for their services and reimbursement forexpenses incurred in the performance of their duties required by this Article,at the rate prescribed in G.S. 93B‑5.
(g) The Commission mayemploy, subject to Chapter 126 of the General Statutes, the necessary personnelfor the performance of its functions, and fix compensation within the limits offunds available to the Commission. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 740, s. 1; 1996, 2nd Ex.Sess., c. 18, s. 18.12(a); 2007‑174, s. 1; 2007‑484, s. 14.)