§ 115C‑296.6. Composition of board of trustees; terms; officers.
(a) The NCCAT Board ofTrustees shall be composed of the following membership:
(1) Two ex officiomembers: the Chairman of the State Board of Education and the StateSuperintendent of Public Instruction or their designees;
(2) Two membersappointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President ProTempore of the Senate;
(3) Two membersappointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives; and
(4) Eight membersappointed by the Governor, one from each of the eight educational regions.
The appointing authorities shallgive consideration to assuring, through Board membership, the statewide missionof NCCAT.
(b) Members of the NCCATBoard of Trustees shall serve four‑year terms. Members may serve twoconsecutive four‑year terms. The Board shall elect a new chair every twoyears from its membership. The chair may serve two consecutive two‑yearterms as chair.
(c) The chief administrativeofficer of NCCAT shall be an executive director who shall be appointed by theNCCAT Board of Trustees. (1985, c. 479, s. 74; 1995, c. 490, s. 2; 2006‑66,s. 9.15(b); 2009‑451, s. 9.13(d), (e).)