Part3A. Job Sharing by School Employees.
§ 115C‑326.5. Job sharing by school employees.
(a) The General Assembly finds that there is a shortage ofqualified public school employees available in certain geographical areas ofthe State. The elimination of administrative and fiscal limitations on job‑sharingarrangements would make employment in a public school an attractive option forwell‑qualified persons who do not wish to work full time.
(b) A "school employee in a job‑sharingposition" is a person who is employed by a local board of education as apublic school employee for at least fifty percent (50%) of the applicableworkweek, as defined by that local board of education.
(c) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to facilitatejob sharing by public school employees. These rules shall provide that anemployee in a job‑sharing position shall receive paid legal holidays,annual vacation leave, sick leave, and personal leave on a pro rata basis. Suchan employee shall also receive service credit under the Teachers' and StateEmployees' Retirement System as provided in G.S. 135‑4(b) and insurancebenefits as provided in Article 3 of Chapter 135 of the General Statutes. (2003‑358, s. 2.)