§ 115C‑332.1. Sexoffender registries checks for certain contractual personnel.
(a) For purposes ofthis section, the term "contractual personnel" includes anyindividual or entity under contract with the local board of education whosecontractual job involves direct interaction with students as part of the job.For purposes of this section, the term "contractual personnel" doesnot include any person covered under G.S. 115C‑332.
(b) Each local board ofeducation shall require, as a term of any contract the local board of educationenters, that employers of a person who is contractual personnel conduct anannual check of that person on the State Sex Offender and Public ProtectionRegistration Program, the State Sexually Violent Predator Registration Program,and the National Sex Offender Registry. As a term of any contract, a localboard of education shall prohibit any contractual personnel listed on the StateSex Offender and Public Protection Registration Program, the State SexuallyViolent Predator Registration Program, and the National Sex Offender Registryfrom having direct interaction with students. (2008‑117, s. 21.)