§ 115C‑428. Filingand publication of the budget; budget hearing.
(a) On the same day that he submits the budget to the board ofeducation, the superintendent shall file a copy of it in his office where itshall remain available for public inspection until the budget resolution isadopted. He may also publish a statement in a newspaper qualified under G.S. 1‑597to publish legal advertisements in the county that the budget has beensubmitted to the board of education, and is available for public inspection inthe office of the superintendent of schools. The statement should also givenotice of the time and place of the budget hearing authorized by subsection (b)of this section.
(b) Before submitting the budget to the board of countycommissioners, the board of education may hold a public hearing at which timeany persons who wish to be heard on the school budget may appear. (1975, c. 437, s. 1; 1981, c. 423, s. 1.)