§ 115C‑503. Whomay petition for election.
Local boards of education may petition the board of countycommissioners for an election in their respective local school administrativeunits or for any school areas therein.
A majority of the qualified voters who have resided for the preceding12 months in an area which is adjacent to a city administrative unit maypetition the county board of education for an election on the question ofannexing such area to the city administrative unit. For any of the other purposesenumerated in G.S. 115C‑501, twenty‑five percent (25%) of thequalified voters who reside in a local school administrative unit may petitionthe local board of education for an election. (1955, c. 1372, art. 14, s. 3; 1961, c. 1019, s. 2;1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 975, s. 7.)