§ 115C‑523. Careof school property.
It shall be the duty of every teacher and principal in charge of schoolbuildings to instruct the children in the proper care of public property, andit is their duty to exercise due care in the protection of school propertyagainst damage, either by defacement of the walls and doors or any breakage onthe part of the pupils, and if they shall fail to exercise a reasonable care inthe protection of property during the day, they may be held financiallyresponsible for all such damage, and if the damage is due to carelessness ornegligence on the part of the teachers or principal, the superintendent mayhold those in charge of the building responsible for the damage, and if it isnot repaired before the close of a term, a sufficient amount may be deductedfrom their final vouchers to repair the damage for which they are responsible.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the parents or legalguardians of any minor are liable for any gross negligence or willful damage ordestruction of school property by that minor to the extent of five thousanddollars ($5,000). The Board of Education shall make written demand upon theparent or legal guardian as a prerequisite to bringing suit.
It shall be the duty of all principals to report immediately to theirrespective superintendents any unsanitary condition, damage to school propertyor needed repair. (1955, c. 1372,art. 17, s. 7; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1985, c. 581, s. 4.)