§ 115C‑538. Inspections of insured public school properties.
The State Board of Education shall provide for periodic inspections ofall public school properties in the State of North Carolina insured under theprovisions hereof, the said inspections for safety of buildings andparticularly school buildings, against the loss or damage from fire andexplosions. The inspections shall be the basis for offering such engineeringadvice as may be thought to be necessary to safeguard the children in thepublic schools from death and injury from school fires or explosions and toprotect said school properties from loss, and the local boards of educationshall be required so far as possible, and reasonable, to carry out and put intoeffect such recommendations in respect thereto as may be made by the StateBoard of Education. (1955, c. 1372,art. 16, s. 4; 1981, c. 423, s. 1.)