§ 115C‑548. Attendance;health and safety regulations.
Each private church school orschool of religious charter shall make, and maintain annual attendance anddisease immunization records for each pupil enrolled and regularly attendingclasses. Attendance by a child at any school to which this Part relates andwhich complies with this Part shall satisfy the requirements of compulsoryschool attendance so long as the school operates on a regular schedule,excluding reasonable holidays and vacations, during at least nine calendarmonths of the year. Each school shall be subject to reasonable fire, health andsafety inspections by State, county and municipal authorities as required bylaw.
The Division of NonpublicEducation, Department of Administration, shall ensure that materials areprovided to these schools so that they can provide parents and guardians withinformation about meningococcal meningitis and influenza and their vaccines atthe beginning of every school year. This information may be provided electronicallyor on the Division's Web page. This information shall include the causes,symptoms, and how meningococcal meningitis and influenza are spread and theplaces where parents and guardians may obtain additional information andvaccinations for their children.
The Division of NonpublicEducation, Department of Administration, shall also ensure that materials areprovided to these schools so that they can provide parents and guardians withinformation about cervical cancer, cervical dysplasia, human papillomavirus,and the vaccines available to prevent these diseases. This information may beprovided electronically or on the Division's Web page. This information shallinclude the causes and symptoms of these diseases, how they are transmitted,how they may be prevented by vaccination, including the benefits and possibleside effects of vaccination, and the places where parents and guardians mayobtain additional information and vaccinations for their children.
The Division of NonpublicEducation, Department of Administration, shall also ensure that information isavailable to these schools so that they can provide information on the mannerin which a parent may lawfully abandon a newborn baby with a responsibleperson, in accordance with G.S. 7B‑500. (1979, c. 505; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 2004‑118, s.4; 2007‑59, s. 3; 2007‑126, s. 3.)