§ 115C‑66. Administrative units classified.
Each county of the State shall be classified as a county schooladministrative unit, the schools of which, except in city administrative units,shall be under the general supervision and control of a county board ofeducation with a county superintendent as the administrative officer.
A city school administrative unit shall be classified as an area withina county or adjacent parts of two or more contiguous counties which has been ormay be approved by the State Board of Education as such a unit for purposes ofschool administration. The general administration and supervision of a cityadministrative unit shall be under the control of a board of education with acity superintendent as the administrative officer.
All local school administrative units, whether city or county, shall bedealt with by the State school authorities in all matters of schooladministration in the same way.
For purposes of eligibility for federal grant funds, the Department ofHealth and Human Services is hereby classified as a public authority, which isthe school administrative agency for the schools that it operates, and shall beconsidered as such by the State school authorities in the administration anddistribution of federal grant funds. (1955, c. 1372,art. 1, s. 4; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 2005‑276, s. 7.54(b).)