Article 3.
Financial Support.
§ 115D‑31. Statefinancial support of institutions.
(a) The State Board ofCommunity Colleges shall be responsible for providing, from sources availableto the State Board, funds to meet the financial needs of institutions, asdetermined by policies and regulations of the State Board, for the followingbudget items:
(1) Plant Fund. Furnitureand equipment for administrative and instructional purposes, library books, andother items of capital outlay approved by the State Board. Provided, the StateBoard may, on an equal matching‑fund basis from appropriations made bythe State for the purpose, grant funds to individual institutions for thepurchase of land, construction and remodeling of institutional buildingsdetermined by the State Board to be necessary for the instructional programs oradministration of such institutions. For the purpose of determining amount ofmatching State funds, local funds shall include expenditures made prior to theenactment of this Chapter or prior to an institution becoming a communitycollege pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, when such expenditures weremade for the purchase of land, construction, and remodeling of institutionalbuildings subsequently determined by the State Board to be necessary as hereinspecified, and provided such local expenditures have not previously been usedas the basis for obtaining matching State funds under the provisions of thisChapter or any other laws of the State. Notwithstanding the provisions of thissubdivision, G.S. 116‑53(b), or G.S. 143C‑4‑5, appropriationsby the State of North Carolina for capital or permanent improvements forcommunity colleges may be matched with any prior expenditure of non‑Statefunds for capital construction or land acquisition not already used formatching purposes.
(2) Current OperatingExpenses:
a. Generaladministration. Salaries and other costs as determined by the State Boardnecessary to carry out the functions of general administration.
b. Instructionalservices. Salaries and other costs as determined by the State Board necessaryto carry out the functions of instructional services.
c. Support services. Salariesand other costs as determined by the State Board necessary to carry out thefunctions of support services.
(3) Additional Supportfor Regional Institutions as Defined in G.S. 115D‑2(4). Matching fundsto be used with local funds to meet the financial needs of the regionalinstitutions for the items set out in G.S. 115D‑32(a)(2)a. Amount ofmatching funds to be provided by the State under this section shall bedetermined as follows: The population of the administrative area in which theregional institution is located shall be called the "local factor,"the combined populations of all other counties served by the institution shallbe called the "State factor." When the budget for the items listed inG.S. 115D‑32(a)(2)a has been approved under the procedures set out inG.S. 115D‑45, the administrative area in which the regional institutionis located shall provide a percentage to be determined by dividing the localfactor by the sum of the local factor and the State factor. The State shallprovide a percentage of the necessary funds to meet this budget, the percentageto be determined by dividing the State factor by the sum of the local factorand the State factor. If the local administrative area provides less than itsproportionate share, the amount of State funds provided shall be reduced by thesame proportion as were the administrative area funds.
Whereverthe word "population" is used in this subdivision, it shall mean thepopulation of the particular area in accordance with the latest United Statescensus.
(b) The State Board isauthorized to accept, receive, use, or reallocate to the institutions any federalfunds or aids that have been or may be appropriated by the government of theUnited States for the encouragement and improvement of any phase of theprograms of the institutions.
(c) State fundsappropriated to the State Board of Community Colleges for equipment and librarybooks, except for funds appropriated to the Equipment Reserve Fund, shallrevert to the General Fund 12 months after the close of the fiscal year forwhich they were appropriated. Encumbered balances outstanding at the end ofeach period shall be handled in accordance with existing State budget policies.The System Office shall identify to the Office of State Budget and Managementthe funds that revert at the end of the 12 months after the close of the fiscalyear.
(d) State funds appropriatedto the State Board of Community Colleges for the Equipment Reserve Fund shallbe allocated to institutions in accordance with the equipment allocationformula for the fiscal period. An institution to which these funds areallocated shall spend the funds only in accordance with an equipmentacquisition plan developed by the institution and approved by the State Board.
These funds shall not revertand shall remain available until expended in accordance with an approved plan.
(e) If receipts for communitycollege tuition and fees exceed the amount certified in General Fund Codes atthe end of a fiscal year, the State Board of Community Colleges shall transferthe amount of receipts and fees above those budgeted to the Equipment ReserveFund. (1963, c.448, s. 23; 1973, c. 590, ss. 2, 3; c. 637, s. 1; 1979, c. 462, s. 2; c. 896,s. 13; c. 946, s. 1; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1130, s. 1; 1981, c. 157, s. 2; 1985,c. 757, s. 146; 1987, c. 564, ss. 9, 12; 1995, c. 324, s. 16; 1998‑212,s. 10.2(a); 1999‑84, s. 11; 1999‑237, s. 9.3(a); 2000‑140, s.93.1(a); 2001‑424, s. 12.2(b); 2006‑203, s. 38.)