§ 115D‑58.9. Dailydeposits.
All moneys regardless of source or purpose collected or received by anofficer, employee, or agent of an institution shall be deposited intact inaccordance with this section. Each officer, employee and agent of aninstitution whose duty it is to collect or receive any moneys shall deposit hiscollections and receipts daily. If the board of trustees gives its approval,deposits may be required only when the moneys on hand amount to as much as twohundred fifty dollars ($250.00), but in any event, a deposit shall be made onthe last business day of the month. All deposits shall be made in an officialdepository. Tuition and all revenues declared by law to be State moneys orotherwise required to be deposited with the State Treasurer shall be depositedpursuant to the rules of the State Treasurer pursuant to G.S. 147‑77. (1981, c. 157, s. 1.)