§ 115D‑67.2. Advisory Board.
(a) The Advisory Board to the North Carolina Center for AppliedTextile Technology is hereby established. The purpose of the Advisory Board isto assist in the advancement and administration of the Applied TextileTechnology Center.
(b) The Advisory Board shall consist of 14 members:
(1) The President of Gaston College, who shall serve ex officio;
(2) Four members appointed by the North Carolina ManufacturersAssociation, Inc.;
(3) Two members appointed by the board of the North CarolinaCenter for Applied Textile Technology Foundation;
(4) Two members appointed by the board of trustees of GastonCollege;
(5) Three members appointed by the State Board of CommunityColleges;
(6) One member appointed by the dean of the College of Textilesat North Carolina State University; and
(7) The Director of the Hosiery Technology Center at CatawbaValley Community College who shall serve ex officio as a nonvoting member.
Theappointing entities shall attempt to appoint members who are distributedgeographically throughout the State; members representing large and smallcompanies; and members from each segment of the diverse textile industryincluding spun yarn manufacturing, filament yarn manufacturing, knitting,weaving, dyeing and finishing, apparel, nonwoven, technicaledical textiles, andfiber producers.
(c) In order for the terms of members to be staggered, oneinitial member appointed by the North Carolina Manufacturers Association, Inc.,one member appointed by the North Carolina Center for Applied TextileTechnology Foundation, one member appointed by the board of trustees of GastonCollege, and two members appointed by the State Board of Community Collegesshall serve for two‑year terms. The remainder of the initial appointeesshall serve for four‑year terms. Subsequent terms shall be for fouryears. Initial terms shall begin July 1, 2005.
Members may serve for no more than two consecutive four‑yearterms. Members appointed to an initial term of two years and members appointedto fill a vacancy may serve two consecutive four‑year terms after theexpiration of their term of less than four years.
All vacancies occurring on the board shall be filled for the remainderof the unexpired term by the appointing authority making the original appointment.
Members shall receive per diem, travel, and subsistence allowances inaccordance with G.S. 138‑5 and G.S. 138‑6, as appropriate.
(d) The Advisory Board is a public body as defined in G.S. 143‑318.10(b)and is subject to all provisions of G.S. 143‑318.9 through G.S. 143‑318.18.(2005‑103, s. 3.)