Article 6A.
Motorcycle Safety Instruction.
§ 115D‑72. Motorcycle Safety InstructionProgram.
(a) There is created a Motorcycle Safety Instruction Program forthe purpose of establishing statewide motorcycle safety instruction to bedelivered through the Community Colleges System Office. The Program may beadministered by a motorcycle safety coordinator who shall be responsible forthe planning, curriculum, and completion requirements of the Program. The StateBoard of Community Colleges may elect a motorcycle safety coordinator uponnomination of the President of the Community College System, and thecompensation of the motorcycle safety coordinator shall be fixed by the StateBoard upon recommendation of the President of the Community College System pursuantto G.S. 115D‑3. The State Board of Community Colleges may contract withan appropriate public or private agency or person to carry out the duties ofthe motorcycle safety coordinator.
(b) The Motorcycle Safety Instruction Program shall beimplemented through the Community Colleges System Office at institutions whichchoose to provide the Program. The motorcycle safety coordinator shall selectand facilitate the training and certification of instructors who will implementthe Program. (1989, c. 755, s.1; 1993, c. 320, s. 5; 1999‑84, s. 15.)