§ 115D‑81. Savingclauses.
(a) Continuation of Existing Law. The provisions of thisChapter, insofar as they are the same as those of existing laws, are intendedas a continuation of such laws and not as new enactments. The repeal by the actenacting this Chapter of any statute or part thereof shall not revive anystatute or part thereof previously repealed or suspended. The provisions ofthis section shall not affect title to, or ownership of, any real or personalproperty vested before April 26, 1979. This Chapter shall not in any way affector repeal any local acts in conflict with the terms of this Chapter.
(b) Existing Rights and Liabilities. The provisions of thisChapter shall not affect any act done, liability incurred or right accrued orvested, or affect any suit or prosecution pending or to be instituted toenforce any right or penalty or punish any offense under the authority ofstatutes repealed by the act enacting this Chapter. (1979, c. 462, s. 2.)