§ 115D‑89. StateBoard of Community Colleges to administer Article; issuance of diplomas byschools; investigation and inspection; rules.
(a) The State Board of Community Colleges, acting by and throughthe President of the Community College System, shall have authority toadminister and enforce this Article and to grant and issue licenses toproprietary business schools, proprietary trade schools, proprietary technicalschools, and correspondence schools, whose sustained curriculum is of a gradeequal to that prescribed for similar public schools and educationalinstitutions of the State and which have met the standards set forth by theBoard, including but not limited to course offerings, adequate facilities,financial stability, competent personnel and legitimate operating practices.
(b) Any such proprietary business school, proprietary tradeschool, proprietary technical school, or correspondence school, may by and withthe approval of the State Board issue certificates and diplomas.
(c) The State Board, acting by and through the President of theCommunity College System, shall formulate the criteria and the standardsevolved thereunder for the approval of such schools or educationalinstitutions, provide for adequate investigations of all schools applying for alicense and issue licenses to those applicants meeting the standards fixed bythe Board, maintain a list of schools approved under the provisions of thisArticle which list shall be available for the information of the public, andprovide for periodic inspection of all schools licensed under the provisions ofthis Article. Through periodic reports required of licensed schools and byinspections made by authorized representatives of the State Board of CommunityColleges, the State Board of Community Colleges shall have general supervisionover business, trade, technical, and correspondence schools in the State, theobject of said supervision being to protect the health, safety and welfare ofthe public by having the licensed business, trade, technical, andcorrespondence schools maintain adequate, safe and sanitary school quarters,sufficient and proper facilities and equipment, sufficient and qualifiedteaching and administrative staff, and satisfactory programs of operation andinstruction, and to have the school carry out its advertised promises andcontracts made with its students and patrons. To this end the State Board ofCommunity Colleges is authorized to issue such rules not inconsistent with theprovisions of this Article as are necessary to administer the provisions ofthis Article.
The State Board, acting by and through the President of the CommunityCollege System, may request any occupational licensing or approving board oragency in this State to adopt rules requiring the approval of that board oragency for a course of study. Under these rules, the board or agency shall passon the adequacy of equipment, curricula, and instructional personnel. The StateBoard of Community Colleges may deny approval to a course of study that is notapproved by such board or agency. (1955, c. 1372, art. 30, s. 4; 1957, c. 1000; 1961, c. 1175, s. 3;1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1987, c. 442, ss. 1, 2; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 877, s.3.)