§ 116‑14. President andstaff.
(a) The Board shallelect a President of the University of North Carolina. The President shall bethe chief administrative officer of the University.
(b) The President shallbe assisted by such professional staff members as may be deemed necessary tocarry out the provisions of this Article, who shall be elected by the Board onnomination of the President. The Board shall fix the compensation of the staffmembers it elects. These staff members shall include a senior vice‑presidentand such other vice‑presidents and officers as may be deemed desirable.Provision shall be made for persons of high competence and strong professionalexperience in such areas as academic affairs, public service programs, businessand financial affairs, institutional studies and long‑range planning,student affairs, research, legal affairs, health affairs and institutionaldevelopment, and for State and federal programs administered by the Board. Inaddition, the President shall be assisted by such other employees as may beneeded to carry out the provisions of this Article, who shall be subject to theprovisions of Chapter 126 of the General Statutes. The staff complement shallbe established by the Board on recommendation of the President to insure thatthere are persons on the staff who have the professional competence andexperience to carry out the duties assigned and to insure that there arepersons on the staff who are familiar with the problems and capabilities of allof the principal types of institutions represented in the system. Subject toapproval by the Board, the President may establish and abolish employmentpositions within the staff complement authorized by this subsection in themanner of and under the conditions prescribed by G.S. 116‑30.4 forspecial responsibility constituent institutions.
(b1) The President shallreceive General Fund appropriations made by the General Assembly for continuingoperations of The University of North Carolina that are administered by thePresident and the President's staff complement established pursuant to G.S. 116‑14(b)in the form of a single sum to Budget Code 16010 of The University of NorthCarolina in the manner and under the conditions prescribed by G.S. 116‑30.2.The President, with respect to the foregoing appropriations, shall have thesame duties and responsibilities that are prescribed by G.S. 116‑30.2 forthe Chancellor of a special responsibility constituent institution. ThePresident may establish procedures for transferring funds from Budget Code16010 to the constituent institutions for nonrecurring expenditures. ThePresident may identify funds for capital improvement projects from Budget Code16010, and the capital improvement projects may be established following theprocedures set out in G.S. 143C‑8‑8 and G.S. 143C‑8‑9.
(b2) The President, inconsultation with the State Auditor and the Director of the Office of StatePersonnel, shall ascertain that the management staff and internal financialcontrols are in place and continue in place to successfully administer theadditional authority authorized under G.S. 116‑14(b1) and G.S. 116‑30.3(e).All actions taken by the President pursuant to G.S. 116‑14(b1) and G.S.116‑30.3(e) are subject to audit by the State Auditor.
(c) The President, withthe approval of the Board, shall appoint an advisory committee composed ofrepresentative presidents of the private colleges and universities and mayappoint such additional advisory committees as are deemed necessary ordesirable. (1971,c. 1244, s. 1; 1999‑237, s. 10.14(b); 2000‑140, s. 26; 2006‑203,s. 41; 2007‑117, s. 1.)