Article 14.
General Provisions as toTuition and Fees in Certain State Institutions.
§ 116‑143. State‑supportedinstitutions of higher education required to charge tuition and fees.
(a) The Board ofGovernors of The University of North Carolina shall fix the tuition and fees,not inconsistent with actions of the General Assembly, at the institutions ofhigher education enumerated in G.S. 116‑4 in such amount or amounts as itmay deem best, taking into consideration the nature of each institution andprogram of study and the cost of equipment and maintenance; and eachinstitution shall charge and collect from each student, at the beginning ofeach semester or quarter, tuition, fees, and an amount sufficient to pay otherexpenses for the term.
(b) In the event thatsaid students are unable to pay the cost of tuition and required academic feesas the same may become due, in cash, the said several boards of trustees arehereby authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to accept the obligationof the student or students together with such collateral or security as theymay deem necessary and proper, it being the purpose of this Article that allstudents in State institutions of higher learning shall be required to paytuition, and that free tuition is hereby abolished. Notwithstanding thissection, neither the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina norits Board of Trustees shall impose any tuition or mandatory fee at the NorthCarolina School of Science and Mathematics without the approval of the GeneralAssembly.
(c) Inasmuch as thegiving of tuition and fee waivers, or especially reduced rates, represent ineffect a variety of scholarship awards, the said practice is hereby prohibitedexcept when expressly authorized by statute or by the Board of Governors of TheUniversity of North Carolina; and, furthermore, it is hereby directed andrequired that all budgeted funds expended for scholarships of any type must beclearly identified in budget reports. The Board of Governors of The University ofNorth Carolina shall not authorize a reduced rate of tuition for the specialtalent of athletics.
(d) Notwithstanding theabove provision relating to the abolition of free tuition, the Board ofGovernors of The University of North Carolina may, in its discretion, provideregulations under which a full‑time faculty member of the rank of full‑timeinstructor or above, and any full‑time staff member of The University ofNorth Carolina may during the period of normal employment enroll for not morethan two courses per year in The University of North Carolina free of chargefor tuition, provided such enrollment does not interfere with normal employmentobligations and further provided that such enrollments are not counted for thepurpose of receiving general fund appropriations. (1933, c. 320, s. 1; 1939,cc. 178, 253; 1949, c. 586; 1961, c. 833, s. 16.1; 1963, c. 448, s. 27.1; 1965,c. 903; 1971, c. 845, ss. 6, 10; c. 1086, s. 2; c. 1244, s. 12; 1973, c. 116,s. 1; 1977, c. 605; 1981, c. 859, s. 41.4; 2006‑66, s. 9.11(i); 2009‑451,ss. 9.21, 9.22(a).)