§ 116‑144. Highertuition to be charged nonresidents.
The Board of Governors shall fix the tuition and required fees chargednonresidents of North Carolina who attend the institutions enumerated in G.S.116‑4 at rates higher than the rates charged residents of North Carolinaand comparable to the rates charged nonresident students by comparable publicinstitutions nationwide, except that a person who serves as a graduate teachingassistant or graduate research assistant or in a similar instructional or researchassignment and is at the same time enrolled as a graduate student in the sameinstitution may, in the discretion of the Board of Governors, be charged alower rate fixed by the Board, provided the rate is not lower than the NorthCarolina resident rate. (1933, c. 320, s. 3; 1983, c. 761, s. 112.)