§ 116‑174.2. Grounds for revocation of scholarships.
Any student regularly registered and enrolled as an undergraduate,graduate, or professional student in a state‑supported college,university or community college who shall be convicted, enter a plea of guiltyor nolo contendere upon an indictment or charge for engaging in a riot,inciting a riot, unlawful demonstration or assembly, seizing or occupying abuilding or facility, sitting down in buildings they have seized, or lying downin entrances to buildings or any facilities, or on the campus of any college,university, or community college, or any student, whether an undergraduate,graduate or professional student who shall forfeit an appearance bond on anindictment or charge of any of the above‑named offenses, shall haverevoked and withdrawn from his benefit all state‑supported scholarshipsor any State funds granted to him for educational assistance. It shall be theduty of all persons or officials having charge of and authority over thegranting of state‑supported scholarships or any other form of financialassistance to immediately revoke and withdraw same in the event and upon thehappening of any of the conditions or matters above enumerated; provided,however, that in subsequent academic terms any such student shall be eligibleto be considered for and to be granted financial assistance from State funds. (1969, c. 1019.)