§ 116‑18. Information Center established.
The Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina, with thecooperation of other concerned organizations, shall establish, as a function ofthe Board, an Educational Opportunities Information Center to provideinformation and assistance to prospective college and university students andto the several institutions, both public and private, on matters regardingstudent admissions, transfers and enrollments. The public institutions shallcooperate with the Center by furnishing such nonconfidential information as mayassist the Center in the performance of its duties. Similar cooperation shallbe requested of the private institutions in the State.
An applicant for admission to an institution who is not offeredadmission may request that the institution send to the Center appropriatenonconfidential information concerning his application. The Center may, at itsdiscretion and with permission of the applicant, direct the attention of theapplicant to other institutions and the attention of other institutions to theapplicant. The Center is authorized to conduct such studies and analyses ofadmissions, transfers and enrollments as may be deemed appropriate. (1971, c. 1086, s. 1; c. 1244, s. 4.)