§ 116‑190. Generalpowers of Board of Governors.
The Board is authorized, subject to the requirements of this Article:
(1) To determine the location and character of any project orprojects and to acquire, construct and provide the same and to maintain, repairand operate and enter into contracts for the management, lease, use oroperation of all or any portion of any project or projects and any existingfacilities;
(2) To issue revenue bonds as hereinafter provided to pay allor any part of the cost of any project or projects, and to fund or refund thesame;
(3) To fix and revise from time to time and charge and collect(i) student fees from students enrolled at the institution operated by theBoard, (ii) rates, fees, rents and charges for the use of and for the servicesfurnished by all or any portion of any project or projects and (iii) admissionfees for athletic games and other public events;
(4) To establish and enforce, and to agree through anyresolution or trust agreement authorizing or securing bonds under this Articleto make and enforce, rules and regulations for the use of and services renderedby any project or projects and any existing facilities, including parietalrules, when deemed desirable by the Board, to provide for the maximum use of anyproject or projects and any existing facilities;
(5) To acquire, hold, lease and dispose of real and personalproperty in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its dutieshereunder and to lease all or any part of any project or projects and anyexisting facilities for such period or periods of years, not exceeding 40years, upon such terms and conditions as the Board determines subject to theprovisions of G.S. 143‑341;
(6) To employ consulting engineers, attorneys, accountants,construction and financial experts, superintendents, managers and such otheremployees and agents as may be necessary in its judgment in connection with anyproject or projects and existing facilities, and to fix their compensation;
(7) To make and enter into all contracts and agreementsnecessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution ofits powers under this Article;
(8) To receive and accept from any federal, State or otherpublic agency and any private agency, person or other entity donations, loans,grants, aid or contributions of any money, property, labor or other things ofvalue for any project or projects, and to agree to apply and use the same inaccordance with the terms and conditions under which the same are provided; and
(9) To do all acts and things necessary or convenient to carryout the powers granted by this Article. (1963, c. 847, s. 4; 1971, c. 1244, s. 14.)