§ 116‑20. Scholarshipand contract terms; base period.
In order to encourage andassist private institutions to educate additional numbers of North Carolinians,the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina is hereby authorizedto enter into contracts within the institutions under the terms of which aninstitution receiving any funds that may be appropriated pursuant to thissection would agree that, during any fiscal year in which such funds werereceived, the institution would provide and administer scholarship funds forneedy North Carolina students and licensure students in an amount at leastequal to the amount paid to the institution, pursuant to this section, duringthe fiscal year. Under the terms of the contracts the Board of Governors of theUniversity of North Carolina would agree to pay to the institutions, subject tothe availability of funds, a fixed sum of money for each North Carolina studentand licensure student enrolled as of October 1 of any year for whichappropriated funds may be available, over and above the number of NorthCarolina students enrolled in that institution as of October 1, 1997, whichshall be the base date for the purpose of this calculation. Funds appropriatedpursuant to this section shall be paid by the State Education AssistanceAuthority to an institution upon recommendation of the Board of Governors ofthe University of North Carolina and on certification of the institutionshowing the number of North Carolina students and licensure students enrolled atthe institution as of October 1 of any year for which funds may be appropriatedover the number enrolled on the base date. In the event funds are appropriatedfor expenditure pursuant to this section and funds are also appropriated, forthe same fiscal year, for expenditure pursuant to G.S. 116‑19, studentsand licensure students who are enrolled at an institution in excess of thenumber enrolled on the base date may be counted under this section for thepurpose of calculating the amount to be paid to the institution, but the samestudents and licensure students may also be counted under G.S. 116‑19,for the purpose of calculating payment to be made under that section. (1971, c. 744, s. 2; c. 1244,s. 5; 1998‑212, s. 11.10; 2006‑66, s. 9.13(b).)