§ 116‑206. Acquisition of obligations.
With the proceeds of bonds or any other funds of the Authorityavailable therefor, the Authority may acquire from any bank, insurance company,or educational lending institution, eligible student obligations, or any interestor participation therein in such amount, at such price or prices and upon suchterms and conditions as the Authority shall determine to be in the publicinterest and desirable to carry out the purposes of this Article. TheAuthority shall take such actions and require the execution of such instrumentsdeemed appropriate by it to permit the recovery, in connection with any suchobligations or any interest or participation therein acquired by the Authority,of the amount to which the Authority may be rightfully entitled, and otherwiseto enforce and protect its rights and interest thereto. (1965, c. 1180, s. 1; 1967, c. 955, s. 2; 1971, c.392, s. 2, 1987, c. 227, s. 4.)