§ 116‑209.19. Grants tostudents.
The Authority is authorized tomake grants to eligible students enrolled or to be enrolled in eligibleinstitutions in North Carolina out of such money as from time to time may beappropriated by the State or as may otherwise be available to the Authority forsuch grants. The Authority, subject to the provisions of this Article and anyapplicable appropriation act, shall adopt rules, regulations and procedures fordetermining the needs of the respective students for grants and for the purposeof making such grants. The amount of any grant made by the Authority to anystudent, whether enrolled or to be enrolled in any private institution or anytax‑supported public institution, shall be determined by the Authorityupon the basis of substantially similar standards and guides that shall be setforth in the Authority's rules, regulations and procedures; provided, however,that grants made in any fiscal year to students enrolled or to be enrolled inprivate institutions may be increased to compensate, in whole or in part, forthe average annual State appropriated tuition subsidy for such fiscal year,determined as provided herein. The average annual State appropriated subsidyfor each fiscal year shall be determined by the Secretary of Administration,after consultation with the Board of Governors of the University of NorthCarolina and the Authority, for each of the two categories of tax‑supportedinstitutions, being (i) institutions, presently 16, that provide education ofthe collegiate grade and grant baccalaureate degrees and (ii) institutions,such as community colleges and technical institutes created and existing underChapter 115A of the General Statutes and community colleges created andexisting under Chapter 115D of the General Statutes. The average annual Stateappropriated subsidy for each of such two categories of institutions shall meanthe amount of the total appropriations of the State for the respective fiscalyears under the current operations budgets, pursuant to the State Budget Actreasonably allocable to undergraduate students enrolled in such institutionsexclusive of the Division of Health Affairs of the University of North Carolinaand the North Carolina School of the Arts, redesignated effective August 1, 2008,as the "University of North Carolina School of the Arts" for allinstitutions in such category, all as shall be determined by the Secretary ofAdministration after consultation as above provided, divided by the budgetednumber of North Carolina undergraduate students to be enrolled in such fiscalyear.
The Authority, in determiningthe needs of students for grants, may among other factors, give considerationto the amount of other financial assistance that may be available to thestudents, such as nonrepayable awards under the Pell Grant Program, the HealthProfessions Education Assistance Act or other student assistance programscreated by federal law. (1971, c. 392, s. 11; c. 1244, s. 14; 1975, c. 879, s. 46; 1979,c.165, s. 9; 1983, c. 717, s. 35; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c.955, ss. 38, 39;1987, c. 227, s. 8; c. 564, s. 23; 2006‑203, s. 54; 2008‑192, s.9.)