§ 116‑209.38. (Repealedeffective July 1, 2011) Future Teachers of North Carolina Scholarship LoanFund.
(a) There isestablished the Future Teachers of North Carolina Scholarship Loan Fund. Thepurpose of the Fund is to provide a two‑year scholarship loan of sixthousand five hundred dollars ($6,500) per year for any North Carolina studentpursuing a college degree to teach in the public schools of the State. Thescholarship loan shall be paid only for the student's junior and senior years.The scholarship loan is available if the student is enrolled in a Stateinstitution of higher education or a private institution of higher educationlocated in this State that has an accredited teacher preparation program forstudents planning to become certified teachers in North Carolina. The StateEducation Assistance Authority shall administer the Fund and shall award 150scholarship loans annually.
(b) The Board ofGovernors of The University of North Carolina, in consultation with the StateBoard of Education and the State Board of Community Colleges, shall develop thecriteria for awarding the scholarship loans under this section and shall adoptvery stringent standards for awarding these scholarship loans to ensure thatonly the best students receive them. Additional criteria for awarding ascholarship loan under this section shall include all of the following:
(1) The student is onewho either: (i) maintained a "B" or better average in college and isenrolled as a junior or senior in a teacher preparation program at any of theinstitutions described by subsection (a) of this section; or (ii) completed acollege transfer curriculum at a community college in the State's CommunityColleges System, maintained a "B" or better average in the communitycollege courses, and is accepted and enrolled in a teacher preparation programat one of the institutions described by subsection (a) of this section.
(2) The student agreesto become certified in math, science, special education, or English as a SecondLanguage and teach full‑time in that subject area in a North Carolinapublic school for three years within five years after graduation.
(3) Any additionalcriteria that the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina, inconsultation with the State Board of Education and the State Board of CommunityColleges, considers necessary to administer the Fund effectively.
(c) If a student who isawarded a scholarship loan under this section fails to comply with theprovisions of this section or the terms of the agreement awarding thescholarship loan, then the student shall repay the full amount of thescholarship loan provided to the student and the appropriate amount of interestas determined by the State Education Assistance Authority.
(d) The Board ofGovernors of The University of North Carolina, the State Board of Education,and the State Board of Community Colleges shall: (i) prepare a clear writtenexplanation of the Future Teachers of North Carolina Scholarship Fund and theinformation regarding the availability and criteria for awarding thescholarship loans, and (ii) shall provide that information to the appropriatecounselors in each local school system and the appropriate institutions ofhigher education and shall charge those counselors to inform students about thescholarship loans and to encourage them to apply for the scholarship loans.
(e) The Board ofGovernors of The University of North Carolina shall adopt rules to implementthis section.
(f) The Board ofGovernors of The University of North Carolina shall report to the JointLegislative Education Oversight Committee by December 1 each year regarding theFund and scholarship loans awarded from the Fund. (2005‑276, s. 9.11(a);2006‑95, s. 2.5; 2007‑323, s. 9.9; 2009‑451, s. 9.18(c).)