§ 116‑234. Board ofTrustees; meetings; rules of procedure; officers.
(a) The Board ofTrustees shall meet at least three times a year and may hold special meetingsat any time, at the call of the chairman or upon petition addressed to thechairman by at least four of the members of the Board.
(b) Notwithstanding theprovisions of G.S. 116‑32, the Board of Trustees shall elect a chairmanand a vice‑chairman; no ex officio member may hold such an office.
(c) The Board ofTrustees shall determine its own rules of procedure and may delegate to suchcommittees as it may create such of its powers as it deems appropriate.
(d) Members of theBoard of Trustees, other than ex officio members under G.S. 116‑233(a)(3),shall receive such per diem compensation and necessary travel and subsistenceexpenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties as is providedby law for members of State boards and commissions. Ex officio members underG.S. 116‑233(a)(3) shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided byG.S. 138‑6. (1985,c. 757, s. 206(b); 1995, c. 509, s. 66; 2006‑66, s. 9.11(n).)