§ 116‑273. UNC HealthCare System authority membership.
(a) Where an airportauthority is created to support the mission of the University of North CarolinaHealth Care System, it shall consist of 15 members appointed as follows:
(1) One member shall beappointed by the General Assembly for a three‑year term upon therecommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives in accordancewith G.S. 120‑121;
(2) One member shall beappointed by the General Assembly for a three‑year term upon the recommendationof the President Pro Tempore of the Senate in accordance with G.S. 120‑121;
(3) Eight members shallbe appointed to three‑year terms by the Board of Directors, provided thatfour of the initial members so appointed shall serve terms of three years andthree shall serve terms of two years;
(4) Three members shallbe appointed by the board of commissioners of the county or counties havingterritorial jurisdiction over the authority as provided by subsection (b) ofthis section; and
(5) Two members shall beappointed by the municipalities within that county as provided by subsection(c) of this section.
(b) The board ofcommissioners of the county with territorial jurisdiction over the authorityshall appoint three members. One of the initial members shall be appointed fora one‑year term, one for a two‑year term, and one for a three‑yearterm. Successors shall be appointed for three‑year terms.
(c) The municipalitywith the largest population within the county having territorial jurisdictionover the authority based on the most recent decennial federal census shallappoint one member for a two‑year term. The municipalities with thesecond and third largest populations within that county based on the mostrecent decennial federal census shall alternately appoint one member for a two‑yearterm, with the second largest municipality making the initial appointment.
(d) All vacancies onthe authority shall be filled by the governing board authorized to make theinitial appointment, and the appointment is for the remainder of the unexpiredterm, except vacancies in appointments made by the General Assembly shall befilled in accordance with G.S. 120‑122. (2008‑204, s. 4.2.)