§ 116‑29.1. UniversityCancer Research Fund.
(a) Fund. TheUniversity Cancer Research Fund is established as a special revenue fund in theOffice of the President of The University of North Carolina. Allocations fromthe fund shall be made in the discretion of the Cancer Research Fund Committeeand shall be used only for the purpose of cancer research under UNC Hospitals,the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, or both.
(b) The GeneralAssembly finds that it is imperative that the State provide a minimum of fiftymillion dollars ($50,000,000) each calendar year to the University CancerResearch Fund; therefore, effective July 1 of each calendar year:
(1) Notwithstanding G.S.143C‑9‑3, of the funds credited to the Tobacco Trust Account, thesum of eight million dollars ($8,000,000) is transferred from the Tobacco TrustAccount to the University Cancer Research Fund and appropriated for thispurpose.
(2) The funds remittedto the University Cancer Research Fund by the Secretary of Revenue from the taxon tobacco products other than cigarettes pursuant to G.S. 105‑113.40A isappropriated for this purpose.
(3) An amount equal tothe difference between (i) fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) and (ii) theamounts appropriated pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection isappropriated from the General Fund for this purpose.
(c) Cancer ResearchFund Committee. The Cancer Research Fund Committee shall consist of five exofficio members and two appointed members. The five ex officio members shall consistof the following: (i) one member shall be the President of The University ofNorth Carolina, (ii) one member shall be the Director of the LinebergerComprehensive Cancer Center, (iii) one member shall be the Dean of the Schoolof Medicine at The University of North Carolina, (iv) one member shall be theDean of the School of Pharmacy at The University of North Carolina, and (v) onemember shall be the Dean of the School of Public Health at The University ofNorth Carolina. The remaining two members shall be appointed by a majority voteof the standing members of the Committee and shall be selected from personsholding a leadership position in a nationally prominent cancer program.
If any of the specifiedpositions cease to exist, then the successor position shall be deemed to besubstituted in the place of the former one, and the person holding thesuccessor position shall become an ex officio member of the Committee.
(d) Chair. The chairshall be the President of The University of North Carolina.
(e) Quorum. Amajority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction ofbusiness.
(f) Meetings. TheCommittee shall meet at least once in each quarter and may hold specialmeetings at any time and place at the call of the chair or upon the writtenrequest of at least a majority of its members. (2007‑323, s. 6.23(b); 2009‑451, s.27A.5(e).)