§ 116‑40.3. Participation in sixth‑year program of graduate instruction forsuperintendents, assistant superintendents, and principals of public schools.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law or the regulations of anyadministrative agency the educational institutions of East Carolina University,North Carolina Central University, North Carolina Agricultural and TechnicalState University, Appalachian State University, and Western CarolinaUniversity, are hereby authorized and shall be eligible colleges to participatein the sixth‑year program adopted by the State Board of EducationFebruary 4, 1965, to provide a minimum of 60 semester hours of approvedgraduate, planned, nonduplicating instruction not beyond the master's degreefor the education of superintendents, assistant superintendents, and principalsof public schools. The satisfactory completion of such program and instructionshall qualify a person for the same certificate and stipend as now provided forother eligible educational institutions. (1965, c. 632; 1967, c. 1038; 1969, c. 114, s. 1; c. 608, s. 1; 1971,c. 1244, s. 10.)