§ 116‑74.42. PrincipalFellows Program established; administration.
(a) A Principal FellowsProgram shall be administered by the North Carolina Principal FellowsCommission in collaboration with the State Education Assistance Authority. ThePrincipal Fellows Program shall provide up to a two‑year scholarship loanto selected recipients and shall provide extracurricular enhancement activitiesfor recipients. The North Carolina Principal Fellows Commission shall determineselection criteria, methods of selection, and shall select recipients toreceive scholarship loans made under the Principal Fellows Program.
(b) The Board ofGovernors of The University of North Carolina shall appoint a director of thePrincipal Fellows Program. The director shall chair and staff the PrincipalFellows Commission, and shall administer the extracurricular enhancementactivities of the program. The Board of Governors shall provide office spaceand clerical support staff for the program.
(c) The PrincipalFellows Program shall provide a two‑year scholarship loan in the amountspecified in subsection (c1) of this section to persons who may be eligible tobe selected as school administrators in the public schools of the State bycompleting a full‑time program in school administration in an approvedprogram. Approved programs are those chosen by the Commission from among schooladministrator programs within the State. No more than 200 principal fellowscholarship loan awards shall be made in each year. The final number ofscholarship loan awards per year shall be made in accordance with the Board ofGovernors' findings concerning the supply and demand of administrators, theState's need for school administrator candidates and within funds appropriatedfor the scholarship loans. Effective September 1, 1995, and in accordance withschool administrator training programs established by the Board of Governors ofThe University of North Carolina, recipients shall be required to complete anapproved full‑time academic program during the first year of thescholarship loan program and a full‑time internship during the secondyear of the program. In order to attract fellows as interns, local schooladministrative units may use all or part of the funds allotted for an assistantprincipal salary for each intern accepted by the local school administrativeunit; however, interns shall not serve as assistant principals.
(c1) The scholarship loanshall be thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) per participant for the first yearof participation. For the second year of participation, the amount of thescholarship loan per participant shall be sixty percent (60%) of the beginningsalary for an assistant principal plus four thousand one hundred dollars($4,100) for tuition, fees, and books. The Commission may adjust the amount ofthe scholarship loan specified in this subsection to take into accountincreases in tuition, fees, and the cost of books, increases in the Stateprincipal assistant salary schedule, and changes in the stipend paid toparticipants in the program during the second year internship.
(d) The Commissionshall adopt stringent standards, which may include standardized test scores,undergraduate performance, job experience and performance, leadership andmanagement abilities, and other standards deemed appropriate by the Commission,to ensure that only the best potential students receive scholarship loans underthe Principal Fellows Program. The Commission shall consider the qualificationsof all applicants fairly, regardless of gender or race, and shall consider thegeographic diversity of the State. Scholarship loans under the PrincipalFellows Program shall be awarded only to applicants who meet the standards setby the Commission, are domiciled in North Carolina, and who agree to work asschool administrators in a North Carolina public school or at a school operatedby the United States government in North Carolina upon completion of the two‑yearschool administrator program supported by the loan.
(e) The Commissionshall develop and administer the Principal Fellows Program in cooperation withschool administrator programs at institutions approved by the Commission. TheCommission shall develop criteria and a process for the approval of campusprogram sites. Extracurricular enhancement activities shall be coordinated witheach fellow's campus program and shall focus on the leadership development ofprogram fellows.
(f) The Commission mayform regional review committees to assist it in identifying the best applicantsfor the program. The Commission and the review committees shall make an effortto identify and encourage women and minorities and others who may not otherwiseconsider a career in school administration to apply for the Principal FellowsProgram.
(g) Upon the naming ofrecipients of the scholarship loans by the Principal Fellows Commission, theCommission shall transfer to the State Education Assistance Authority (SEAA)its decisions. The SEAA shall perform all of the administrative functionsnecessary to implement this Article, which functions shall include: rulemaking, dissemination of information, disbursement, receipt, liaison withparticipating educational institutions, determination of the acceptability ofservice repayment agreements, and all other functions necessary for the execution,payment, and enforcement of promissory notes required under this Article. (1993, c. 321, s. 85(a); 2006‑66,ss. 9.16(a), (b).)