§ 116B‑3. Unclaimed personalty on settlements of decedents' estates to the Escheat Fund.
All sums of money or other personal estate of whatever kind which shallremain in the hands of any administrator, executor, administrator c.t.a., orpersonal representative when the administration of an estate of a person dyingintestate, or partially intestate, without leaving any known heirs to inheritsame, is ready to be closed, unrecovered or unclaimed by suit, by creditors,heirs, or others entitled thereto, shall, prior to the closing of theadministration of the estate, be paid or delivered by such administrator orexecutor to the State Treasurer as an escheat and shall be included in thedisbursements in the final account of such estate. In such cases as above described,the State Treasurer is authorized to demand, sue for, recover, and collect suchunclaimed moneys or other personal estate of whatever kind from anyadministrator or executor after the estate is ready to be closed, or from theclerk of the superior court if the unclaimed assets have been paid over to him,and the State Treasurer shall hold the same without liability for profit orinterest, subject to any just claims therefor. The provisions of this sectionand G.S. 116B‑2 shall apply to the estate of a person missing for 30 daysor more and the State Treasurer may bring an action to have a receiverappointed in such case under the provisions of Chapter 28C, Estates of MissingPersons. (1957, c. 1105, ss.2, 2 1/2; 1971, c. 1135, s. 2; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1311, s. 1; 1981, c. 531, s.1.)